Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Impact of World War II due to Indian Independence

Subash Chandra Bose.... held the presidency of Indian National Congress from 1921 to 1939 and forced to resign from his leadership requested by Gandhi. The British Government declared the participation in World war II on India's behalf in 1933 but did not get enough support, started only with 2,00,000 force an later the troop go diminished too, because of Netheji's support against British alliance. Until 1940 the battle history was not in favor of Western Alliance in the war. Bose resigned the Congress party in 1940 and in other side agreement signed between British and Indian governments to form a five infantry and one armored divisions (also agreed to give Independence to India) Also Bose got arrested in 1941 and he escaped from India and try to get support from nazis but since they them self were struggling supported Japanese troop in the name Indian Independence league which was brain child for Japanese.

I think this was the real truing point in World war II history. From 1940 to early 1942 Bose and INA generals went across borders to get help from various nations for our nation's Independence. And also mean time forming a large army force on a quote of Bose 'Give me blood.. I'll give you freedom' in India. As per Bose's various small groups of INA split under generals and went to various non western allias countries participated in World War II and supported their army in an agreement to support them for Indian freedom. During the war, the Indian soldiers who get caught by the Western Alliances wee given choice to joined their Indian Army Colony troop and who refused became POWs and shipped to New Guinea... In this way The British colony Army build their force with Indian Soldiers and become largest volunteer army by rising to 2.5 million by end of the war in 1945 What a tactics ha..... In Singapore alone 40,000 soldiers were captured in 1942... This strengthen the Western force in pacific, as the Japanese  Army invading the Colonies in other side with the help of Indian Independence league in the headed by Bose.

How many of us know about Operation U-Go... This is the real reason behind the fall of Japan and end of the World War II... U-GO was fought for Indian Independence. in 1942 before Bose join the Japanese army, the plan to invade India was withdrawn due to supply problem. But in 1943 when Bose returned from Germany reformed the IIL the Japanese Army agreed and advanced in India via Assam. Captured the Impala and Kohima. Our tri color flag raised in symbol of success in Manipur in April 1944, but later due to counter attack by British Indian Army and lose in the battle, the Japanese troop withdraw from India. This was the impact Japan since a largest defeat to the Japaneses Army to that date.

The 1945, end of World War II is still a mysterious victory for Western Alliance. In April Hilter died, from July America dropped boms and collapsed Japan. All of a sudden on 15th August ended the War victory was announced.... Fine. Then why in 18th August Bose aircraft was crashed. If he survived,  who had problem??? Dose the war happened again, he organized a new army force and invaded India.... Does India got freedom without partition??? No Pakistan/Bangladesh???? Big powerful nation...
Envisioned this and assassinated him????

Why the flim maker make a movie about the Operation U-Go, similar to Operation Valkyrie. There were many movies made based on July 20 plot. Why dont we make a flim based on Operation U-Go from Indian Independence point of view... I hope some one will do it in big screen