Monday, November 8, 2010


What to say about the trip to this National Park. We were planning to visit this place for almost 3 years and at last we made it now. Its kindo a triangle trip. Minneapolis to Yellowstone via Bozeman to Detroit (back to home). We avoided all the hurry burry stuffs and made it as a relaxed and enjoyable trip (lessons learned from previous mistakes). Yellow Stone... of course if you google it you can get lot of info about this national treasure. I say we were bit lucky, becoz seen all the climate changes during the 4 days trip.

To brief, this park is the first national park in United States located in an area which adjoining 3 states by its three entrance gates - North entrance 'Montana', south entrance 'Wyoming'and west entrance 'Idaho'. Why you access the south entrance again you need to cross a National park 'Grand Teton'. But what makes unique and most popular about this YELLOW STONE PARK from other parks. Of course it has specialty GEYSERS and HOT SPRINGS. Where ever you go in this park you could see the geysers in different sizes and different forms.

I never realized this till I touched the Grand Teton Park. If you google the map you could see that only the southern gate way stop separates both the parks. Once you crossed the gateway you will never see a single geyser or a hot spring in the Grand Teton Park. Yes, this park is also a classic destination for skiing, but can't find the uniqueness of the YS in any other parks. Do you believe, it spans an area of 3468 sq miles ie., 8980 km^2. I'm proud that we covered atleast 1/3 of the area and had a stop over in all the 4 entrances.

We almost went during the end of the season. We couldn't able to get food inside the park (I have no idea about summer). So need to pack food and water before entering the park.

DAY 1 - Fill the tank, grab a sandwich from subway and entered the Park through North Entrance. The First day they closed the North East connecting route. So we made a start from north towards west and by the end of the day we covered almost all the sightseeing in that route and had a halt in a small town in the west entrance. Whole day weather was kind of chill near by 32F.

DAY 2 - Same as Filling the tank and bought some wraps from McD and started from the west entrance moved towards south. And covered both south way sight seeing and Grand Teton Park. The day started with warm in the morning, drizzling in the noon and pouring heavily by the end of 4PM. So we reached the Jackson Hole and stayed there. Even we saw a movie 'RED' there. Small town, small theater and a great movie. This town is the famous stopt in the winter for the winter sport activities.

DAY 3 - Started with the rain. For more adventure we took a different jungly route to enter the park, luckily could able to see Grizzly Bears. We forgot to pack food for lunch, so couldn't locate a shop and we were in the middle of a jungle. Roaming...roaming...roaming.... finally we found a small gas station with attached restaurant. You believe it or not we ordered for a cheese pizzaaaaaa. OMG!. At last by the end of noon with reached the south gate. By the same time it started with snowflakes. The gate keeper warned us with the route to be more cautious. We started with lot of prayers... but the snowfall became a firn in path, we were climbing the mountain and the evolution was in the range of 7600, no mobile phone coverage even to dial 911. Our prayers got stronger... Even in that situation, we took some pics :-) Our prayers got answered, while coming down it stopped and the route was bit clear. As usual started the sight seeing and covered the South East and by evening we reached the North gate and stayed in the Grainer.

DAY 4 - As usual filled the tank and grabbed a sandwich from subway and started the day. The weather was bit clear and warm. The North East route is a kind of wild life safari. Can see Coyote, Gray Wolf, Elk, Bison, etc... I could remember these animals only becoz we saw only those animals. Covered the north east and returned back to Bozeman in the evening.

Finally reached Detroit on the 5th day afternoon 2.00pm

YELLOW STONE NATIONAL PARK IS A MUST SEE PLACE IN THE EARTH AT LEAST ONCE IN A LIFE TIME. There is a myth that each year the landscape is changing in that park becoz of its geothermal area. THE WHOLE PARK IS A NATIONAL TREASURE TO BE PRESERVED.

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